Sunday 10 August 2014

Saturday 9.8.14- Lake Eden, North Lakes

Bird of the day is the Ashy Storm-petrel.
Ashy storm-petrel

On Saturday 9.8.14 I went birding at Lake Eden, North Lakes. Upon arrival, in the section I call Coot Paradise (basically outside the cafe) we discovered Australian White Ibis, Eurasian Coot, Little Pied and Little Black Cormorants, Black Swan, Pacific Black Duck, Chestnut Teal and Cattle Egret!

image from

As we moved along, most of the above birds went away from the scene except for the coots and the egrets, and we started seeing Purple Swamphen, Australian Wood Duck, Willie Wagtail and a new species, the Ground Cuckoo-Shrike.

On the opposite side of the lake, it took, say, 30 min. to go through that section. Purple Swamphens, Willie Wagtails, Spotted Turtledoves and Coots were around,but I saw new species Superb Fairy-wren and Yellow-faced Honeyeater.
Image from

We approached the end of the circuit, and  more coots, swamphens and cormorants were around. A Ground Cuckoo-shrike proved the gateway for new and beautiful species. First there was Australasian Grebe, then there was a Bassian Thrush(possibly Russet-tailed Thrush). One of my party members thoroughly enjoyed seeing a juvenile Blue-faced Honeyeater and an adult Figbird. Finally, more Australasian Grebes and Little Black Cormorants, before back to Coot Parasdise(see 2nd paragraph) and leaving. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip.

Sunday's bird of the day was Westland Petrel.
Westland petrel on water
Saturday's was Beaudouin's Snake-eagle.
Beaudouin's snake-eagle in flight showing underside

Happy birding, followers!


:)   :)

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