Saturday 11 October 2014

Random Birds( Imaginary islands1)

Stejneger's petrel, side viewStejneger's Petrel
Himalayan monal, maleHimalayan Monal
Socotra cormorant in flight Socotra Cormorant
Royal cinclodes standing on the groundRoyal Cinclodes
Black-capped vireo femaleBlack-capped Vireo
Male Venezuelan sylphVenezuelan Sylph
Juvenile Hawai'i 'elepaio, Chasiempis sandwichensis sandwichensis, wet forest formElepaio
Lappet-faced vulture displayingLappet-faced Vulture
RookRook(introduced to my island)
New Zealand dotterel in breeding plumageNew Zealand Dotterel
Male Reeves's pheasant, side viewReeves's Pheasant
Chestnut Seedeater
Red-legged cormorant on a cliffRed-legged Cormorant
Greater short-toed lark at nest with chicksGreater short toed lark

A rain forest island(Pheasant, monal, sylph, Elepaio, cinclodes) with cliffs supporting nesting cormorants in Spring and Rook breeding colonies in Autumn.
The heath habitat above the dense drop of the cliffs has its birds too(lark, seedeater, vulture,vireo) and the beaches have plovers and the seas petrels.
14 species.
Name- Cormorant Island.

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